The Mindset Of Cleanliness

Cleanliness won’t become a habit unless it is firmly established as a mindset. Keep your mind, body and spirit clean and you will experience the greatest riches of life. Did you know that being clean attracts wealth. Now that should be some motivation! Without cleanliness we are not truly living but just existing, getting old, almost rotting alive and fading away through life.

Thoughts and words can pollute the mind. You can hurt yourself and others if you do not watch what you are saying and thinking constantly. Hygienic habits, thoughtful behavior, taking responsibility for your own actions and reactions cleanses and strengthens your mind and body. But what about the spirit? How do you practice cleanliness of spirit?

By practicing cleanliness of the environment, we practice cleanliness of spirit. By keeping our surroundings clean, we clean up the energy and attract all things positive. Doesn’t a serene mountain top, a relaxed beach, a rejuvenating walk in the forest always lift one’s spirits? A place of worship is always clean. There is something sacred in maintaining clean surroundings. Our sustainability depends on it. Nature has its way of cleaning itself up. Nature on its own is always clean. Our basic needs; air, water, food, shelter and safety depend on cleanliness. To enjoy a quality life, these have to be clean. A clean place is a safe place.

It is difficult to change others and their way of thinking and behaving, but it is not difficult to set an example so begin with yourself. Are your surroundings in order or is everything as disorganized as the unnecessary thoughts in your head. Are you hoarding, do you feel deprived or are you able to let things go. Take a look around you, your immediate surroundings are a reflection of your way of thinking, doing and being. Do you feel fresh and ripe, full of vibrant energy and brilliance or do you feel rotten and helpless, angry with yourself and everyone around you? Your standard of living will tell whether you come from a mindset of abundance or a mindset of lack.

Raise your standard of living by practicing cleanliness in a small way everyday. It helps build a mindset of abundance, generosity and gratitude. It improves your relations and attracts all things joyful. Watch your life transform with this simple attitude of cleanliness of thought, word and deed, practiced together.

Cleanliness Part I – Banish Constipation

Cleanliness is my religion. I hear people striving for habits like healthy eating, clean diet and regular exercise but how many of us pay attention to the daily body function of waste release? If I don’t poop in the day I get stressed out. If I don’t go for two days, I start panicking.

Our digestive tract begins at the mouth and ends at the anus. Digestion and absorption of what we eat and drink may tell on our overall health but the third and most important function – elimination – is what will give you the exact picture. And yes, I mean it literally! It is healthy to go twice or even three times in a day, but going once is a must. For a rotting fruit in a basket will cause the other fruits to rot. And just like that, waste and toxins in our system if not flushed out, will not allow the good stuff we consume to do any good for us.

At this point, it is relevant to become aware of all the many things that could cause constipation. And there are so many:

  1. not drinking enough water
  2. lack of fiber in diet
  3. a high protein diet
  4. a dairy rich diet
  5. eating less or staying hungry
  6. eating in a hurry / on the go / standing
  7. excessive alcohol or caffeine intake
  8. sedentary lifestyle
  9. lack of exercise
  10. lack of proper deep sleep
  11. change in routine
  12. change in circadian rhythm
  13. controlling when you get the urge
  14. hormonal disturbances / moon cycle for women
  15. stress – unable to express freely, or unable to let go
  16. weather changes
  17. a new environment
  18. dependency on laxatives

There’s no point beautifying your home if you are not going to make any efforts to keep it clean. If cleanliness be your first habit, start with yourself. Keep your insides clean. Banish constipation for good. The root of all illness is constipation. Choose wellness, choose cleanliness and make it a habit today.