Must-haves In Your Kitchen

Our culture has an array of healthy spices, fruits, vegetables, pulses, grains and they are all in your favorite place at home. Where is that you ask? The Kitchen, where all the magic happens!

Our Kitchen is a storehouse of energy and the dishes that are cooked in our kitchen have many ways of retaining their nutritional value. We have such wide varieties of items that a “diet” or healthy lifestyle could never be bland and boring. The Kitchen is where there is a wholeness in nourishment bringing the ancient wisdom, science, seasonal and local cuisine to give you and your loved ones the wonderful energy of life.

Wondering what you should surely have as a part of your pantry? Well here are a few things we feel are a must-have in your pantry. Let’s jump right in then?


Garden Cress seeds / Halim seeds / Aliv – Image by Schwoaze from Pixabay

From Ladoos to kheer to chutneys, soups, sandwiches and so much more; Aliv or halim seeds are versatile and packed with nutrients – especially a powerful source of Iron. Besides helping in increasing your iron, these lovely seeds also have the potential to treat cough and sore throat as well as curing symptoms of Asthma. That’s all you ask? No! There’s more, the most important one it helps aid digestion and helps you cope with constipation. Whether it is blood pressure, diabetes, menstrual discomfort, or anemia; this is a must-have in your kitchen.


Photo by Megumi Nachev on Unsplash

One of the most misunderstood foods available and shunned in every Indian home is this magical ghee which is not only rich in essential fatty acids but also helps lower the glycemic index when combined with other higher glycemic foods. If you observe, in our culture there have always been these certain food combinations like dal chawal and ghee, puranpoli and ghee, modak made in ghee and much more. Ever wondered why? Together they make the best nutritional combination and not only help in lowering the glycemic index but also helps maintain the energy and the smooth absorption of nutrients into your body. Still not happy with the answer, well it does wonders for helping your skin look flawless and young. Hence make sure to include one teaspoon of ghee with your major meals [breakfast, lunch & dinner] to reap its benefits.


Photo by Pille-Riin Priske on Unsplash

The list of which rice is healthier is endless and the doubt that should we even eat rice is the biggest discussion ever. They are rich prrbiotics helping us digest better as it feeds our probiotics in turn leading to a healthy gut. It is one of lightest dinner options and helps you sleep much better along with improving your hormonal imbalance. We never eat rice alone! It is always combined with other food groups and that itself lowers the so-called carbohydrate fear people have. Rice is not just carbohydrates, it is also rich in several amino acids which also helps in promoting better skin and hair growth. It is versatile, local and eco-friendly. Instead of avoiding a food group just because every week one new diet trend comes up, try and learn more about your culture and what is local to you. When it comes to rice, go for single polished or hand-milled varieties to ensure you get all the nutrition from it.


Spine Gourd / Kantola – Image by Aaichi Savali from

Seasonal produce helps in getting the fresh nutrients and that is why this little vegetable also known as spiny gourd is an essential in the monsoon season. With every season comes the allergies, fatigues and our usual cough and cold, and that’s why it is of utmost importance to learn and include our local and seasonal vegetables and fruits. Do go through the article below to help choose your seasonal foods right:

Kantola or teasel gourd is rich in fiber, antioxidants and various flavonoids and all of this in combination helps us in better digestion [a crucial matter in the monsoon], promotes rich texture of skin and hair and because of its high fiber and high water content it is great to keep your sugar in check too. Do include this vegetable in the monsoon to keep your allergies, cough and cold at bay. And now we come to our last but not least and all time favorite!


Kulith / Horse gram – Image by

Kulith or horsegram is the super pulse of India from being made into rasam or payasam in the south to khichadi in the north and ofcourse our favorite usal or pitla in Maharashtra. Besides the protein, it is a great source of minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc which in turn helps you stay young, vibrant and beautiful. Along with this the added benefit is fat loss! It’s best to keep your immunity strong in the monsoon season and keeps you energetic throughout the day. Make sure to include a bowl of kulith atleast thrice a week in your lunch or dinner to keep feeling flawless.

Just like with a car once the fuel is taken care of you can enjoy the drive, the same goes for your body too. Give it the right nutrients with respect to your locality and season and automatically see and feel the wonders that happen.

This article is contributed by Amita Mishra, Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert.

You can reach out to her on:
Contact number: +91 9004813998
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Facebook: Amita Mishra -Nutritionist
Instagram: amitamishra470

Amita Mishra has been awarded with the Title of “Iconic Nutritionist in Mumbai” and “101 fabulous Global Healthcare leaders of the world”. She holds a Masters in Food Science and Nutrition, is a Qualified Yoga instructor, a Certified Sports Nutritionist, and a Zumba lover. Amita has a global clientele and operates in more than 20 countries for weight loss, disease management, and lifestyle modifications from her office in Mumbai. Her approach is to blend the simple Traditional Household methods, to make you look at your food with Love and not guilt!

Weight Loss Tamasha!

A lot of people are constantly striving to lose weight and it seems like the toughest thing to do. Yes, weight loss is a gradual process and takes a while but if done right with sustainable changes, losing weight won’t feel impossible and one will easily achieve desired results.

In recent times, technology & social media has been a boon in many ways, be it knowledge or understanding nutrition related queries. We think the internet gives us answers instantly. While it does provide a lot of information, it often misleads us into the trap of fad diets. This has become quite common due to ‘Quack’ nutritionists on social media, claiming instant results with faulty diet trends.

These trends do not work in the long run. People get confused as to which dietary information is correct. Nutrition is a vast subject so make sure you consult a certified dietitian only. A short nutrition course or trying to promote diets that one has experimented with on themselves will render different results for others.

Here are a few things people try, in wasted efforts to lose weight in an incorrect way:

1 >> Going on a low carbohydrate diet: This has been one of the most common practices for weight loss. People tend to avoid roti, rice and other grains in their meals to lose weight. One needs to realize that carbohydrate are a great source of energy and not easily available to the body in comparison to protein or fats. So a low-carb diet can reduce your energy levels drastically during the day. Apart from that, it’s not sustainable as when one starts consuming carbs again, it gets back all the weight lost.

2 >> Going on a low fat diet: People tend to reduce the amount of fat in their diet in order to lose weight. A lot of them eat boiled or steamed foods, add no ghee on their rotis or any other food preparations. While boiling, steaming can be healthy alternatives to oil loaded cooking, one needs to understand that fats helps in a lot of vitamin & mineral absorption present in the food. Good quality fats if taken in adequate proportions provides for effective weight loss.

3 >> Fasting for more than 10-12 hours: Some think fasting makes one lose weight and tend to follow this method for quicker weight loss results. While fasting for spiritual reasons is great, fasting for weight loss is not a good idea. When we fast, our body uses all the energy reserves. When these reserves get exhausted, we experience fatigue & a lot of muscle wasting. To compensate, one tends to eat more to get through the fasting hours. This kind of overeating increases fat reserves. Weight loss that results from fasting is actually muscle loss & not fat loss.

4 >> Going on a keto diet: In recent times keto diet has been one of the most famous diet trends where a person eats 70-75% fats, 20% protein & only 5% of carbohydrates assuming that fat would act as a source of energy in place of carbohydrates. Keto diets do give a quick result due to the shift of macro nutrient to provide energy, however it is not sustainable & can cause major health issues such as high cholesterol levels, heart issues, plaque, etc.

5 >> Eating & Purging: A lot of people tend to starve themselves and avoid their favorite foods to lose weight. When they cannot resist, they eat what they like and then purge it out from the scare of putting on weight. This leads to psychological disorders and also affects the overall health of a person.

When people use these above mentioned faulty practices of losing weight, they end up losing the charm and glow from their face, they start looking pale, they experience hair fall and imbalances which further worsen their weight loss progress. Commonly these diet trends are promoted either by “Quack” nutritionists or people who indulge in such faulty methods to lose weight.

A Qualified Nutritionist/ Dietitian does not recommend such diets. Only a certified dietitian who has dedicated at least 3-5 years of study in this field, will be able to provide in-depth knowledge on different foods, how food consumption shapes a person and the biochemistry of how foods are digested. This knowledge and understanding cannot be attained in a short span of time. It is an immense investment of Time & Passion. Google or any other search engine cannot give you personalized consultation as every person’s body is different and when you counsel with an expert in this field they can guide you best as per your body, diet and eating habits.

We often see people fear the term “DIET” but in my dictionary this fear doesn’t exist because I term it as ‘HEALTHY EATING’. Our perception of food is always based on two broad categories – that is Healthy [good food] and not Healthy [bad food]. But the fact is that, no food is bad, it all depends on us in terms of ‘what we eat’, ‘what time we eat’ & ‘how much we eat’ while trying to achieve our health goals.

‘Healvick’ means healing your health with food. We believe that along with food, our body, mind and soul should also be connected.

Healthy eating habits, along with a little exercise is the mantra to great health. We also believe in providing ‘MEAL PLANS’ as the word ‘DIET’ makes us feel deprived of foods we like. We thus tend to leave diets after repeated attempts.

The word ‘MEAL PLAN’ itself provides so much more sustainability towards good health. Dt. Arpita Jain has worked with many clients internationally and nationally helping them achieve their target. She emphasizes on eating wholesome and nutritious foods. Her meal plans are a blend of traditional food culture and modern nutritional science. One need not make separate or specific meals to lose weight or maintain health, thus saving them time and any unnecessary efforts.

Healvick also helps manage conditions like PCOS, Diabetes, Cholesterol and other lifestyle related issues with nutrition. After you have had a fruitful journey with us, Healwick will not abandon you. We consistently guide you with information to help maintain your health and lifestyle. Connect with me for a consultation today!

Dt. Arpita Jain
p: +91 9867189080
instagram: @dt.arpita_healvick
facebook: @Dt.Arpita
twitter: @DtArpita

Papaya For Constipation

Constipation is the mother of all diseases. When you are constipated, you are withholding harmful toxins that not only damage your body but also cause bloating and weight gain. I have struggled with constipation since childhood and I continue to get constipated once in a while. But it is no more a struggle getting myself to poop. Papaya seems to work like magic. So here’s how papaya works and how you should eat it to completely flush out and clean your system.

  • Papaya produces heat in the body.
  • It is rich with both fiber and water content.
  • Thirdly, papaya contains papain, an enzyme that breaks down tough protein easily.

All of these three amazing properties makes papaya an effective natural laxative. To benefit optimally, eat a small bowl full of papaya first thing in the morning, that is on an empty stomach, or after a workout session. Consume it an hour before your dinner. Eat it in sufficient quantity and not just one or two bites. Avoid making a smoothie, have cut fruit instead. This way, more of your saliva mixes while ingesting it which further helps in better and faster digestion due to the digestive enzymes present in saliva.

If you live in the tropics, a little of papaya everyday will work better at keeping the doctor away! Be careful not to eat too much of it because this fruit does produce heat in the body. Pregnant women should take care. There are so many factors that lead to constipation. I will write an independent post on these. In the meantime, if you are suffering from lazy bowel movement, try having a bowl of papaya before you decide to pop a laxative. Let me know if it works like magic for you too!

Water On An Empty Stomach

If you were to study our digestive system, you would realize that water has little to do with the stomach and more to do with the large intestine. Water stays in the stomach for less than 5 minutes after which it goes through the small intestine where some of it is absorbed into the blood stream and the rest of it continues into the large intestine.

Insufficient water can cause blood to become thicker and results in high blood pressure. Airways get restricted by the body in an effort to minimize water loss and dehydration can cause fainting. But water is needed the most in the processes of sweating and removal of urine and feces and lack of it can cause constipation and weight gain, the mother of all illnesses!

The very first thing I watch is the amount of water I drink, how I consume it and most importantly – when. I drink a glass or two on an empty stomach. Generally first thing in the morning and one hour before a meal because that is when the stomach is empty. At other times I am drinking less amounts of water or may be just sipping on it. I generally drink when I am thirsty, but I make a conscious effort when I am having it on an empty stomach and here’s why.

When the stomach is empty, the food consumed is already in the intestines. Water speeds up the process of metabolism. Its main purpose is to flush out the large intestine and that is why it is recommended that we consume a good amount of water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

Water also removes toxins accumulated with faulty eating and purifies the blood. It not only helps in eliminating waste and keeping our bodies clean from the inside but also leads to weight loss or weight maintenance. Drinking water in small amounts periodically helps prevent water retention and bloating.

Thus to conclude, I have found that the total amount of water i drink in the day is not very relevant. Of course one shouldn’t be having too much or too less, but what really benefits is the right amount of water consumed at the right time as per our body’s requirement.